
Showing posts with the label best launchers

Top 5 best Android Launchers : Supercharge your phone

Is it accurate to say that you are burnt out on staring at the same old icons on your Android Phone home screen? Take a stab at installing new custom Android launchers to have a superior experience of your Smartphone. A decent launcher can give your phone an aggregate makeover, from changing the look and feel with changed icons and themes, to including new usefulness, for example, keen folders and assistive search. A Good launcher can make your old phone looks great while utilizing. A launcher let you customize your phone home screen and widgets + icons and folders. Launcher topic changes your experience of utilizing your android phone + tablet. Here are Top 5 best Android Launchers 1. Google now launcher You can utilize the Google Now Launcher application to get to Google Now and utilize your voice from any Home screen on Android 4.1+ gadgets. To utilize the launcher on your gadget first downlad application from google play store. Google Now is an interface that oblige...