
Showing posts with the label voip pack

Airtel Introduces VoIP Data Packs for Prepaid Customers; Postpaid Plans Coming Soon

Bharti Airtel formerly announced that it would begin charging for Voip (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls and today, through a PR, they've uncovered why they are charging independently for the Voip data. They likewise presented their first Voip data pack which is evaluated at  ₹75. Airtel Voip Data Pack Details Airtel just presented one Voip calling pack today which will cost ₹75 to the subscribers with 75mb of packaged data which is said to give 200-250 minutes of calling. The legitimacy of this pack will be 28 days. Airtel is supposed to present more Voip packs later and we'll keep this post upgraded when that happens. The changes aren't material promptly and the prepaid subscribers who as of now have a data pack (subscribed before 25th December) will have the capacity to utilize it as a part of whatever way they need. Appropriate said, Voip calling could be possible utilizing the same, however when it expires, the new data pack memberships wo exclude Voip. Wh...