Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg meets PM Modi

On Thursday afternoon, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Facebook Chief Operating officer Sheryl Sandberg posted pictures of their meeting on their Facebook timelines. 

Mr Modi's post had been liked by more than 25,000 people and imparted by more than a 1000 inside a hour. He additionally posted, "Had an extremely productive meeting with Sheryl Sandberg. She brought up that India is an exceptionally vital country for Facebook, considering the high number of active Facebook users in India." 

"Being an keen interested user of social media myself, I discussed ways through which a platform, for example, Facebook might be utilized for governance and better interaction between the people and governments. I likewise discussed how Facebook could be accustomed to bring more tourists to India," the Prime Minister said. 

Mr Modi said he identifies with Ms Sandberg on how the social networking monster she heads can help his legislature in honoring the year of Mahatma Gandhi's 150th conception celebration with an extraordinary concentrate on cleanliness. 

A reports from Reuters specified that Mr Modi has put Facebook and Twitter, the micro-blogging website, at the inside of his legislature's media and exploration methodologies since taking office a month prior and has asked ministers and administrators to follow after accordingly. (PM Narendra Modi Draws Twitter, Facebook Deeper into Government) 

It cited Raheel Khursheed, head of news, politics and government at Twitter India as saying that his organization has been given immediate access to ministers and their staff, exhorting them on social media utilization, and sorting out workshops to prepare ambassadors and different diplomats. Mr Khursheed depicted the level of interaction between the organization and the new government as "unmatched" internationally. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the second most prominent government official on Facebook, with in excess of 18 million companions. Ms Sandberg had called attention to out in a selective meeting with NDTV yesterday, offering that she is extremely eager to perceive how Indian lawmakers are currently understanding the significance of social media. (Facebook COO on Her Favorite Post by PM Modi) 

"The (Facebook) post with the picture of Prime Minister Modi looking for his mother's favors is extraordinary and my particular top choice," she said. 

Related Articles: Click to read official Press Information Bureau news release 
Reuters Article: PM Narendra Modi draws Twitter, Facebook Deeper into Government


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