Watch India's fascinating retail market LIVE [Infographic]

Indians spend over INR 30,000 every second, with more money heading off to the offline organizations than to online organizations every minute.

The infographic underneath underlines how and where the Indians spend their cash and how rapidly these numbers grow.

Concerning online business Flipkart, the aggregate number of every day deals is shockingly high: around 1.4% of the money used online goes to Flipkart. The graph additionally demonstrates a high number of online guests the online shopping store has for every day. Additionally the quantity of revenues Bollywood every day produces is immense.

Regardless of the way that there have been a few reports about online credit card fraud in India, the infographic reflects that individuals still make utilization of their credit cards.

As showed, individuals in India want to drink Coca-Cola over Coffee, yet Tea is still the most loved refreshment contrasted with them. On the negative side, the infographic shows that on every 6 jars of coke there comes 1 container of brewskie.



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